And show the world all the love in your heart
Then people gonna treat you better
You're gonna find, yes, you will
That you're beautiful as you feel"
~ Beautiful by Carole King

Are you an American Idol fan? I wasn't until this season. Really talented singers, including one of my favorite, Haley Reinhart, who sang Beautiful this week. I love the lyrics - it reminds me of the positive impact you can have on others with optimism and generosity. Sometimes, something as simple as a smile can be really uplifting to those around you :)
Have a beautiful weekend!
I agree, Haley is awesome. Love that raspy quality to her voice! Beautiful shot =)
Me too! I wasn't a fan until this season. I don't know if I'd say I was a fan, but more a regular watcher. (Wait, does that mean I'm a fan?) My fave was Casey, though. :(
Beautiful colors on this one :) I haven't really been a fan ever but I haven't given it much chance either. Surely there are some amazing singers and talents on the show though!
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